I mean, I thought I was doing really well! I had not allowed myself to go out onto the promenade--thought I had been avoiding temptation and staying true to my promise.
But then life happened.
Janea and Jon came to visit. We had a party. I got my motorcycle permit (costs $30 bucks people!).
Things were going good and then I lost my wallet. Which actually helped prevent me from spending, but then I had to get a new wallet. And my sunglasses broke so I had to replace them.
THEN I needed (seriously folks, NEEDED) a new *easily visible* backpack to wear on the scooter.
And we had our team-building bike ride and I needed to pick up a pair of socks, a sports bra and a sweater from the GAP because I'd forgotten to bring them from home.
And on that bike ride I got a really gnarly wife-beater tan. So I had to go to the drug store and by some tanning stuff to fix it.
See what happens?
The loss of my wallet was pretty devastating, considering Boyan bought if for me and I was absolutely in love with it. I'm still feeling the after shocks of separation anxiety. So to quell those aftershocks (and because I have a wedding to go to this weekend) I went out and bought a dress.
I would like to say about the dress that:
A. I've been drooling over it since I saw it in the spring catalog
B. It was on sale from $170 to $90
C. It's a truly well-made dress
D. I went to H&M and Forever 21 first damnit!
I also spent $100 at Sephora on make-up. But remember what I said in the post about things I want vs. things I need? I REALLY needed makeup. I was using eyeliner and shadow from before college and it was making my eyes water.
With the summer coming up I know it's going to be hard to not spend money, especially with Nataliya coming, and a Vegas trip, etc.
It's expensive being a girl!
I'm going to try to be better. Like for instance, I'm not going to go buy these sandals. I won't.
I won't buy a new dress for my Vegas trip, and I'll try to bring my lunch to work as much as possible.
Promise, promise.
That dress is divine.
I feel your pain. I looked at my new pink Juicy galoshes the other day and thought "as an unemployed person living in sunny southern California, was this purchase REALLY necessary?", and the answer was "yes, most definitely." God obviously agrees. It's raining today.
And this is why I am as cheap as one can be! As also because I am an immigrant, and as you all know we like to stockpile our money to buy our properties in the old country (which I have no intent of doing).
ok so you wouldn't buy THOSE sandals, but what about these?
less than half the price...
Hmm. Maybe. I have issues buying Payless--and I liked the leather stitching of these other ones. They make me feel like Pocahontas--and not like PukaHuntus if you know what I mean. =)
I feel you on this. I've been really trying not to spend money the past few months because I want to spend it all on buying doing things in the US! But it's hard, life happens...like the washing machine flooding not only the tiled floor but also the laminate floor, meaning we now have to get part of it fixed, or the dog needing vaccines, or lots of smaller things like taxis and meals out that add up. The one thing I have started doing is writing down everything I spend, which makes me think twice about whether I reaaaally want to have to document yet another afternoon cookie or a taxi or whatever.
That said, the dress is adorable and a great price! Totally justified :)
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