Friday, February 01, 2008

Updates on Subway to the Sea

I might not live on the westside these days, but I'm still passionate about the idea of a subway to the sea. Last year at around this time the idea of a Subway to the Sea exploded on the web, and now the L.A. Times reported that the subway to the sea issue is going to be opened to the public. We now have two, that's right TWO different routes to choose from. After looking at them, I find myself agreeing with the general public:

"We thought a lot of people would choose" one route or the other, said Jody Litvak, the MTA spokeswoman for the Westside transit study. "But a lot of people said they're both good and do them both."


Take a look at the map and decide for yourself.

I know some people are weary about the idea, or worry about where the money is going to come from for the project, the L.A. Times itself made sure to state, "The subway project, estimated to cost $5 billion to $7 billion, has no funding and has not undergone a required environmental review. Nor has a new subway been approved by the MTA board, which consists mostly of elected officials and their appointees."

So what does that mean? It means we have to elect those officials who believe in the subway as much as we do. Something needs to be done to alleviate traffic, and soon.

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