Wednesday, January 17, 2007

In the Year 2000

Apologies for the delay in posting anything in the past week(s). I have actually uploaded posts only to delete them or take them down.

I would like to make some predictions for myself, In the Year 2000...

I will go on a diet only to realize "treating" myself to a little desert after starving myself all day will result in adult diabetes.

In the Year 2000...
I will abdicate my role as the biggest bitch in the world to other more deserving candidates.

In the Year 2000...
After well-meaning attempts to learn Bulgarian have taken up most of my time between January and August, I will meet Boyan's family for the first time and inevitably embarrass myself by speaking like a two-year-old caveman, "I like food."

In the Year 2000...
Freelancing will become second nature as thousands will read witty and well punned articles that don't have sentences like, "It’s fun to use, cute to carry and cool to just have it!" in them.

In the Year 2000...
After buying our tenth bookcase, Boyan and I will decide the couch to be more useful in the kitchen.

In the Year 2000...
I along with the help of Boyan will convince the world that Steve Jobs is running a communist organization and the iPhone has new and unknown brainwashing technology. All of this after finding/creating a music download system that rivals iTunes.

In the Year 2000...
I'll begin baking bread, which would inevitably end my diet.

In the Year 2000...
After going to the doctor to have my allergies checked I'll find out I'm allergic to: wine, chamomile and work among other things.

In the Year 2000...
I will train for some sort of athletically superior sporting event, and have to take out a loan to cover my hospital visits afterwards.

There are many more things I could predict I am sure. Leave your predictions for The Year 2000 below.

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