Thursday, June 12, 2008

Porn for Yuppies

Boyan always gets on my case for looking at Apartments on Craigslist even when we are a. not going to be moving anytime soon and b. could never afford them. I can't help but look and imagine what life would be like in these spaces (as you can see) or the design possibilities not yet explored.

Well, today I found out I'm not the only one. This site,, which people in the know call "Porn for Yuppies," exhibits all kinds of wonderful places and spaces. Now, I don't know if I consider myself a "yuppie" but this stuff does turn me on. Not in a sexual way--but definitely in a lustful way. Take look for yourself.

Gramercy, New York

(I call this one Britta's room)

This one belonged to a gay couple in Chicago

They also have slideshows of some fab places like this one. And this one.

Furniture really does it for me too. Especially when Britta sends me stuff like this.

Oh fabulous furniture and apartments...why do you torture me so!

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