Monday, December 18, 2006

Judith Regan Fired

I can't say I'm very surprised, I think elated would have to be the word.

It's days like these I wish I hadn't signed that confidentiality agreement.

Apparently Judith got fired for making some anti-semtic statements towards her lawyer. Jane Friedman doesn't exactly have a soft spot in her heart for the hard hitting publisher so Judith giving her any room to budge during this controversial time was not a smart move. I've heard and heard of Judith saying some pretty awful stuff. She's pretty much uncensored and foul mouthed and its nice to see her have to finally face her consequences. There are millions of snubbed employees jumping for joy right about now.

If you want to read the LATIMES article they did a good job of laying the story out.

'Offensive' phone call by publisher preceded her firing

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