Monday, April 03, 2006

A New Beginning

Welcome back to stress filled days of work and class. My sojourn to Sequoia never happened. I had a feeling like I wouldn't make it there but a girl has to dream. The rain and snow prevented any hope for outdoor excursions and I ended up spending my days enjoying newport beach. It was great to have nothing to do but sleep and read and go to the gym, and now I begin my last quarter at UCLA. I am going to be walking at graduation in June and every step I have taken the past four years has brought me to this conclusion, a Bachelors of Arts in English from UCLA. I didn't do great last quarter, I didnt really go to class all that often so only I can be to blame. I'm excited to be starting a new quarter fresh, with a new and exciting job at MTV doing work that I like to do and exercising my creative muscles. More to discuss later.

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